Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

torpow@ano fa initp 'Zook. 3 79 `would think that he even faw Hell ready_ to receive him ; He would dream of it in the night; He would find plea- fure in nothing in the world, till he were converted, and made holy, and prepared for Heaven by the fpirit of God ; He would morning and evening, yea night and day, cry earneftly to God in prayer for that Grace which muff prepare him for fo great a change ; He wouldgo to Minifters or Godly friends, and ask them how he muff make ready for death. 2. And he that is thus unready to die, is unready for all i<iuty,for fuffering, for every thing, andis but lofing the time that he liveth And till he prepare for death, he is preparing for hell- No bufinefs therefore, no othercares, fhould hinder or delay men ; no profit, honours or pleafure Mould quiet them till they have got their fouls into a fafe con- dition, andareready to die. S. Ofwhat moment is it to die comfortably ? P. 2. Theknowledge of your Safety is the ground of your Comfort. And it muff needs fie a terrour to a man that hathany faith and fenfibility, to be utterly un- certain what fhall become of his foul for ever t To be- lieve that there is a Hell for all the unholy, and not to know but it may prove to be his lot l To believe that none but the holy /hall be Glorified, and not to know at all whether he be Inch or not ! To know that he mrtft lhortly be in Heaven or Hell, and never more have a change of the place which he firft pefFd eth, and not to know which of thefe it will be l This muff needs be an amazing dreadful thought, When the body is languifh- Ing in pain, and all worldly helps and comforts fail, to be then utterly doubtful of everlaffing comforts muff needs be a moft uncomfortable ftate. To think, , (I muff now go to mÿ long home, and take my un- changeable polfeilion either of Heaven or Hell, but Z know