Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

380 SIR pon? fflamo fatttiip 'Book+ know not whether it will be 5 J is a fad thought to a dying man. Yea all a mans life mut needs be uncomfortable till hebe prepared for a comfortable death ! 'For it is not the perifhing trifles of this world, that can fuñce to comfort awife man that frill forefeeth their end, If therefore he cannot fetch comfort daily from Heaven, he can have,none that's worth the having. How can á wife man live comfortably till he can die comfortably, when heknoweth frill that death is even at hand ? 'Yea till we have forne good preparations even for a Comfortable death, we live in continual danger of very heinous fin. Ifwe be called to Martyrdom for Chrifl, the terrours of death may forely tempt us to deny hi n How can a man be laved that (b) Loveth his life better than Chrifl and life eternal ? And how can a man be willing to goout of this life, that bath not fore conft- derable hopes of a better ? But if a man be ready to die well, he is ready to live well, and ready to fuifer, and ready for any thing When he can fetch (i) comfort from the thoughts of his being for ever with the Lord, what need fuch a man to fear ? what is there that fhould much trouble him? How quietly may he fleep? how 'candy may he fulfer ? how joyfully may he live ? Nothing can be more evident than, that to be in a con- tinual .Peadirnefs to die, is the great Interefl of n,an, in cornpa ri fon of which, nothing elfe is Worthy to be mind- ed, or to be named-! (h)til,,38,39,Lsak.140'6, 33.(i) xTh j.4-. 17,18.1 Cor. t5.8. 2 Pet. 3. I01 I 1, 12. Phil. Ì.17, a r, 22,23.ZCor.+.16,17,1ß: S. III,