Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Vaie poq fpano famIICp ZooII. 3 8 t S. III. What meanyou byPlying, that it is alfo our thifeft work ? P. He that knoweth that it is his chiefInteriji, muft needs know that it is his chief Wort¿,, as long as Self Love is fo deep a principle in Nature, and Interefl fo much adeth and'rule th all mankind. As a man when he begìnneth his Life, doth begin his journey or Race towards Death and life everláting fo God doth give him all his time to do this work., and his Life is nothing but the Time allotted him to prepare for death and a better life And every hour that is not (pent_ in fuch pre- paration is call away and loft. All the time and work of aChriftians life, muft be holy and Religious, hough not all fpent in Ads of Worship: All muft be afeeking of God and Glory, by the condua of Chrift his fpirit and word. And all Religion is nothing elfe but apreparing our (elves and others for death. Ma- ny trouble the world, and cheat thtmfeves with a Re- ligioufnefs which rather unfitteth men for death ; even a Religionmade up of unprofitable opinions, contentions anddifputes : But when they have wearied themfelves and corrupted others, with their opinionative wrangling zeal, they will find that one day fpent in learning to die well, wouldhave tended more to folid comfort,than fuch a dreaming kind of life. I know that found dotrine maketh found Chriftians ; But it is Praítical doelrine that mull, do it. And all Chriflian practice is but a due preparation for death. Chrift is the only way But Heaven, (that is, God in the Heavenly Glory) is the only End. And Chrift came from Heaven, and is afcen,ded to Heaven,and fendeth his fpirit into our hearts fromHeaven, to call upour hearts, and prepare us for it® Death therefore which is'our paffage into Heaven, muft