Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

382 Zie ipoo fflano famiip 1600k. muff be in our eye in all the exercifes of our Religion, and all the bufineffes ofour lives. Away with thofeOpi- nions and pra$ices whatfoever, which noway tend to prepare you for a fafe and comfortable Death. S. IV. Now tell me, How this Preparation mutt be made ? P. I. The chief part of it muff be done in your Health; I !. And the reft in the time ofyour ficknefs. I. Inyour health, it muff be the main bufinefs of your life to prepare for death. Particular- How to prepare for ly, eflow much care anddiligence, Death in Health. toirengthenyour Beliefofthe Truth of Gods word,of the Immortality of thefoul, and of the Life to come. Nothing more per- nicioufly ftrengtheneth Temptations, killeth all Hope, delire and endeavour, than fecret Doubtings; whether Gods word betrue, and whether there be another Life indeed for manor nor. Uncertainties will hardly pre- vail againft fenfe and pre ent things. Uncertainties will hardly fufpicienrly comfort a departing foul, when all worldly comforts mutt be parted with tor ever. Every Doubt here is as water cart upon the fire : It quencheth all our Deliires and Joyes. Now the ftrengthening of our Faith about the world to come, is a thing that is not done with a with. There muff be due and conftant endeavours ufed. I delire you to read the Direc`$ions I have given you in the fecond Part of myLife ofFaith ; And if that feem not enough, read my Yreatife a, ainft Infidelity, and my Reítfons of the Chrifiian Religion, and More Reafons . n ow only advice you,