iDaa? % ano famítpZooti 3 s 3 I. Never forget the Miracles, Refurra}ion and Afcenfion ofChrift. 2. Forget not theMiracles wrought by his Apoftles and Evangelifts in all the Countreys where theycame. 3. Forget not the fpirit of Miracles, given to all the firft planted Churches. 4. But above all, forget not the (iritof Ilolinefs, which in its effec`fs is apparent, in ally that are ferions Chriftians, in all ages and Countreys; efpecially (k,1 fince the fpirit is Chrift:t handingWitnef and Advocate in us, and a certain proof that he is the Saviour of fouls : Forget not that by this fpirit, the living Image ofGods Vital power, his Wifdom and his Goodnefs, is printed on the facred Scriptures ; And the fame Image by the Spirit and by the Scriptures, is printed on all true believersfouls : Whichmakes a notable difference be- tween them, and the reft of the world, and is the cer- tain, prefent, common evidence, that Chrift is true, and that he is preparing for everlafting life. 5. Remember that God bath not given man in vain, a foul which is capable of Thinking on our Maker, and another world ; of defiring and feeking an end1efs home : The wife Creator fitteth all his Creatures to theirufes. 6. Look up and think, whether all thole vaft and glorious fpaces which are above us, are likely to be with- out Inhabitants, whenwe fee everycorner of this lower world, both earth and water, are inhabited. 7. And when we find by experience that the Invifible fpirits are our Helpers, and difdain not to regard and a) 701/.16. Rom.$.16126, 2 Tim,2.7, (1) lieb. u. 22, 23,24ë f:rv: