Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

384 ORPo0t fflanz fatriílp 7130oli. ferve our interefts, is it not like that our fouls, being In- telleftual fpirits as well as they, {hall have Communion with them hereafter ? Nothing is Annihilated: Much lefs fuch noble and fpiritual Beings, as mens fouls. 8. And mark but the common experience of the world, which telleth us that certainly there areEvil fpi- rits, (by the Temptations which we feel to evil, the hinderance of Good, the ftrange power they have upon corrupted Fantafies, and the common War which is maintained againft Chrift and Godlinefs by all the wicked in the world.) And you may thus learn from the Devil himfelf, that all this malice is not againft no- thing. 9. And the certain hitlories of Witches will ferve to confirm this evidence. I o. And fo will the certain Flifiories ofApparitions (For inftance, fee one in a little book called, The Devil ofMafcon.) II. And the commonteftimony ofall men's Confci énces.; The confent of almoft all the world. 12. And that God dotti actually Govern the world (even among Heathens and Infidels)- principally by the Hopes and Fears of a Life to Come : (And God cannot need a Lie toRule us.) Thefe and many fuch Reafons help tò confirm our Faith : But it is the facred Imprefli- ens of the Spirit firft on the Scripture, and next on your own hearts, and all the holy change which it h.ath made upon you, which is the near, the fare, the confiant (m) Witne[s in your felf, and with you, that Ch rift is true, and that he is preparing us here for a better life. Thefe things must all be daily thought of and all (rNl) I,;4h.5,IO,IT.