eig poo? fflttno famíipZook. 381 fuggeftions to the contrary firft confuted, and then ab- horred and cart away, till the foul grow up to lu h a Habit of Believing, as will ferve (n) inftead of fight ir fell; and we can faythat we are fure that there is an 'everlafbiñg Life for fouls. To all which mull be added,a cherifhing of the Spirit, which is the author of faith, 1. By earnefl prayer for his Grace, z. Andbyobeying and improving ir. II. Be fore that you truly (o) Repent ofyour known fin : For nothing makes Death fo frightful to us, as ourGuilt: Nothingelfe can make us Reafonably fear whether God will fave or damn our fouls, but unpardon- ed fin._ And the mercy of God is fo great and his pro- mile fo lure, that nothingcan reafonabl y make us doubt ofpardon, but that which maketh us doubt of the fin- cerityofour Repentance, and faith in Christ. spare not fin then, but' Repent prefently, Repent deeply, Con- fefsit plainly, 'Forfakéir refolotely, and then it will not leave such fears in the foul, as ¡hall make the fentence of Deaths()be dreadful to us ; as fin but half Repent- ed ofwill do. Sin is the fling of death : - And true Re- pentancepath the promife offorgivenefs. III. Putyourfouls, with all their fins, and dangers, and all their interefis, ` into the handof :refits Cbrift your Saviour ; and Trufl them wholly with him by a re- folvedFaith. It is he that hath purchafed them ; and therefore Loveth them : It is he that is the Owner of them by the right of Redemption. It is now be- corne his own interefl, even for the fuccefs and (n) Heb. 11.i. (t?.) Líak I 3.3 e C c honour