Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

355 epe PowManoiamitp 1St) Ott. honour of his Redemption , to fave . them. Be not too thoughtful about things unknown to you (as How feparated fouls do Aft ; with what manner of In_ Celle&ion, and fenfe, 6-c. What Idea to have of fpiritual bodies, ofHeaven, 6-c.) But ,ir plicitly trùti<<.Chri with all thefe things ; Remembring that He knoweth what you know not : And as he pcffeffeth Heaven for you, till he bring you to poffefs it ; fo he knoweth all thefe things unrevealed, fár you, till he bringyou to fee .and know there. If your ,moft faithful friend were in the Indies, and invited you thither with the promifes -of thegreateft wealth and pleafure, youwould trufi him, though you fee it not your felv,es, nor know the particu- _tars diflinc`tly. It is a great comfort to us, that we have a Head and Saviour in, Heaven ; and that Heaven and Earth are in his power. I-e thatfaved pp_ from fin and Satanspower, will fäve youfromHellI'and - Satans torments. if Angels r- jgice at our Convérfion, -Chrift and Angelswill joyfully'eptertainvi&orious fools -into the heavenly fociety, ançlwc1come them,to Heaven withdearefl love. Readoft and' meditate on his fpe- cial promifes.. joh. r z. 2,6. If any man ferve me, let himfollowme ;andwhere I am, there (hall alfo . my fer- vant be: And he is at the right hand of the Majefly on high, Heb. i. 3. Joh. r4. 2., 3. If I go to prepare a place foryou, I will come again and receive yott to my [elf, that where I am, there you may be alfa. Joh. 17.24. Father, i will, that theyalp whom thou haft vi- me where Ï am, that they may behold ven me, be with the glory which thouhaft given me.2 Cor.5. r, c ;. For we know _thatlf our earthly houfe of this tabernacle (p) Ais ;6.r8: I'o.m.$ó34}-?,35z3(° 'Were