Atpt . paw anz f amill) Za;ák. 38 7 were dißo1ved we have a building of God, 0/ houfe not made withhands eternal in thee' Heavens Ferr in this Wegroan, ear,nefplydefiring to be cloathed upon with oitr hoitfe Which sfrorñ Heaven" that mortality may beJivallowedup of life - We are confident and wil- ting rather; tó ke abfent from the body and prefent with the Lord. Phil. t.,23. To depart and to be with Chrilt is far'bctter. Revé 14. 13. l;le edare the- dead which die in the Lord .Luk. 2 3 q:: This day Pall' thou be withme in p4radife. Het). i z. "23'. To the dtirits of the jtafl ,,made perfi i Thef.4. i'. And]; ,hall We ever be.with the'Lord: whereefore comfort One a:no= thér withthee words 'TVè receive a Kingdom that ,can= not bi moved, eó.12 z8 Receiving' the end of our faith, thefalüationofour fo' ls,. ì Pet. ì. 9. Aj} 7. 59 Lord f efus, receive try f$tr"it:` Rev. 3. 12; 21. Him that,overcómeth will I make a pillar 'in the Temple Of yGod, andhef l llgo out no more. 'But`aba realt, thófe words ofotir Rifen Lord would have writtenOver my Fick bed, and on my heart, [Joh. zó.17. Go to My Brethren andfay to then), I ofend to my, Father andyour .Father, and rto my God and your, óod.] Boldly then andquietlydeliver up thyfoul to the card of Chrift : There is all things in Him which thou need- eft. Are you afraid of Guilt, and the Law, and the wrath of Gods and Hell'? Remember that he is the (q) Lamb ofGod that takçthaway the fins of the world, in txhern the Father is well plcafed :' That he hathby once '9) 7oh; a.2.9{..ficb. t á14 2 C'or45. 21. i Gor. 1..30. C 2 offering