Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

388 , SO Poo? fflano fauntipVf3ok, offering Of himfelf perfected for ever them ;that are fanaifeed :That he was made fin for us who"knew no fin, that we might be made the Righteoufnefr of God in him. He is made of God unto us wifdom, rigl»eouf nefs, fanatftcation, and redemption. If any man fin we have anA 'vocate with the Father, refus Chrift the Righteous :: And he is the propitiation for our fins, and notforours only, but for the fins of the whole world: (r) For God fo loved the world, that he gave his Only begotten Son, that whofoever believed in him fhould not,perifit, but have everlaftinglife. (f) :Ha- ving therefore boldnefs to enter into the Holieft by the blood of f efus, by a new and living way which' he loath confecrated for ti, through the veil, that is to fay, his fiefh, and having a great Prieft' over the hoatfe of Cod, Let us draw near with a true heart, in full afurance of faith. (t) . God willing more abundantly to fhew to the heirs' of promife, the immutability of hu totinfel, interpofed hinfeltby an Oath ; that by two immutable things, in which it was impofble for God to lie , we might have a firong confolation, Who have fled for refuge, to lay holdon the hope /èt before us : which hope we have as an anchor of the foul both fore and fledfaft, and which entereth into that within the veil ; whither the fore-runner is "for us entered, .even. refus made an High Prieft for ever. (u) Seeing 'then we haze agr`eat high Prieft that is paled into the Heavens, f fus the Son' of God , let us hold faft cur Confef ) j oh. 3. i 6.(f) .t lcb. 10. 19, zQ= 't) fieb,6. 171 18,t9(u) fori