390 zot pool fran fatuity 7500k rob. 14. 1,253. When you were received into the fate of Grace and Reconciliation, you were entered into the outer part of the (z.) Kingdom of Heaven. Here you were made (a) Heirs,. Co,heirs with Chrift ; and here you had Gods pledge and earneli , and the firji fruits: And will he not give us that,, which he bath already given us fo much right to.? Our near relation to him afireth us, that he will not condemn his friends, his fiefh,Job. 15. 14,15. Ephef. 5. 29, 30. 2 COY. 6. 17, 18. Is his Love, his promife, his oath , his feal, as nothing to us ? Hewould never have given us a heavenly mind and defire, 1or fet us on feeking it, if he would not have given it u3. c"datt13.6. 20, 21, 33. Yoh- 4. 14. 6. 27. Mau!). 7. 7; 8. i Cor. i5; 58. Pfalm 73. 24. Jr is' faith. in Chriff which we muff live and die by, if we will. live and die in as well-grounded peac,7. IV. Devote your felf entirely to r.iod, and make it your trade of life to Pleafe him ; doing all the good that you can to others for foul and body ; that fo your (onfcience may bear you witnefs at death,that notwithganding your infirmities, the very bufinefs for whichyou lived in the world, wu to finve, your Lord and to do good, and not to pamper the fleflo, nor to (z) Math.3 .2. io.7. I 3.11,24,3 I , 337447 45' 47.(a) i Pet. I. 3,4.Rom.8. 17, i8. Gal. 4. 6. Ephel; 2. 19. Tohn 17. 3. _Romans 5.8, 9,1o, II. Cor.i. 22° (7,. 505. Ep1.2.1.13,14.6- 4.30. Rowt8.16. groy?