grow rich, nor to get into honour and applaufi with Inert. Though- our good; works give nothing unto God; nor can men or Angels merit any thing of him, in Commutative aflice as to the value ` of the thing but only in point of Governing paternal Juflice, as to the order offree Donation; (It being impoflible that any Creature fhould have any thing from God, but,by. his Gift, under what Covenant foever o) Yet God who is Holy is the Lover of Holinefs, and the (b;)á Rewarder of them that diligently fed him. And nothing can reafonably make a dying man quea. Rion his falvation, but the doubtfizlnefs of his own fincerity in his Covenant with God, and of his true Repentance and Sanc&ification. And no man can well judge his faith or Repentance to be fincere, who liveth not as abfolutely devoted to God. There- fore though you muff abhor all thoughts of afcribing any thing to your own faith, or Repentance or ho- linefs and fìncerity, which is proper to God the Fa- ther, or to our Saviour, or to the Holy Clhofl ; (e) Yet without Holinefs none (hall fee God ; for he (d) hateth all the workers of iniquity. And Con- fciencewill be Confcience fti11; And its office is not to queftion whether God be God, and Chrift be Chrift, but whether we be Chriflians. And he that never fo fully beheveth in Jefus Chriff, muff find himfelf to be indeed a believer, and to be fanEfifaed by ii (e) firit, before he can comfortably die, or (b) Heb. 11. 6. (e) Heb. 1 z. 14. (d) Tfal.5 . ç. (e) Rorn.8.1,8,9 ,1o,1 1,1 z,13. C c 4 have