CO op? .,,. anofamttp 'book. for the wife, holy and righteous God to do.. For a pardoned perfon is .reconciled to God and bath Com- munion with him : And what Communion bath light withdarknefs, or Godwith the Devil and his works ? it is blafphemy to fay that God can be a ually Re- conciled to ungodly fouls, and take them intohis coat- placencie and Kingdom. Yea what if I fail that it is a thing Impollible and a contradic`fion for a man to be forgiven and faved that is unholy and unconverted ? Ifyou knew what fin is, you would know that it is a felf punifhment and the .foreft evil ; the ficknefs and miferyof the foul : And to forgive a man, is to de* liver him from this mifery ; and to Pave him, is to (10 fave him from his fin. For fin is as it were a fpark of Hell fire, kindled in the foul, which is not faved till it be quenched. And what is Heaven it felf but the perfeft light and Love of God ? And to fay that a man is faved that Loveth not God above hisfin, and is not holy, is to fay that he is faved and not faved. S. I underflandthefe things better than I did : But Ican hardly dig-eft it, thatyou thrtisfeem to drive men tq deJ air. P. You greatly miftake : 1 am driving you from defair. There is no Hope of the falvajon of a firmer that continueth unconverted : Flatter not . your fell with fooliCh hopes of the Devils maling ;: As lure as Gods word is true, there is no Hopei of ir. Everlafl:ing Defpair in Hell is the por- tion Pf all that die unconverted and unfanai- tied. They will then cry out for evr, Ail oar -(Q.Mat. r.21. 7'it.335 C 4 ;., Ilope