Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

392 113e Poop Danz f amxlp Zook. have any affurance of his own falvation. If we are over the temptations to Infidelity it fell, the reft of our fears and troubles will be railed, by the doubts of our own fincerity ., and by the difcerning of that, they mull be refolved. And there is no fuck full and fatisfying evidence of that, as this (f) teftimony of our Confcience, that ín frmplicity and Godly fincerity, and not in flefhly wifdom, we have had our Converfation in the world: that is, that we really lived not to the fleíh, but un- to God, and how weakly foever, our main buíinefs in the worldwas to ferve and pleafe him, with all the powersand eftate he gave us. And that we did not principally live to the world, and put God off with the leavings of the fleíh, nor make his fervice our fecondary bufinefs, and feek him and Heaven but in the fecond place. O that we knew well how much a life of total refignation, devotednefs and fervice- ablenefs to God , doth tend to a quiet and com- fortable death : We fhould live otherwife than mr>ft do. S. Bat I have ,oft heard that we mull put no confidence in any work! or holinefs of our own, and that it a Legaland Pharifaical andPopifh to fetch cart' ofour comfort from them. P. i. 'A',e muff not dream that Of Tr»r ? i i our any works or holinefs of ours, can ()wit 110.1,_ :. juaitie us if we are judged by the Law of works Cor Innocency) in whole or inpart. B.c.rfe nothing but perfec't fìn- 1 1 x, ,.0¡ pí,y lefs