Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

cue jpoo/ Oano fatníípZook. 393 lets Holinefs, will . fo juftifie. But when Chrift bath fully fatisfied for our violation of that Law , and made us a Law. of Grace by which we muff be judged, that (g) Law of Grace doth juftifie or con- demn men as they perform or not perform its con- ditions, (Jiving free Juffification againft the Curfe of the former Law, through Chrifl alone, to all true be- lievers. 2. I told you before that nothing mull be ,afcribed to our own Holinefs or works, that is proper to God theFather, or to Chrift, or to the Spirit. And can you defire any more ? If nothing under Chrift , perfon or thing, be a means of our falvátion, then no perfon or thing, muff be Loved, or Trcffed as a means : But who is it that dare fay fio ? 3. When any thing of our own is put in Compe- tition withChrift, or.oppofition to him, and the queftion is, Whether Chrift or that, is to be trufled, or to be our comfort ? it mull not only be diflrufled, but rejeáed as dung, 4. Did Paul fin in the Rejoicing before cited, 2 Cor. 1.12? 5. Do you think that no fan of our own fhould trouble us ? Is there no fin which is juft caufe of doubting of our Juftification ? What I not Unbelief, nor Impenitence, nor malignity, nor a flefhly or un- godly life? Shall not all periíh that continue rfuch? And is it not part of our Comfort to fee that we are free from that caufe of chi-comfort ? If there be any damning fin in the world, or any difference of (g) 7oh.3.15, r 8, t the