Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

than upon the, body without ; even the giving of more of the operations of his Spirit, is his great Reward, and the withholding, withdrawing, or' denying its opera- tions is his great=Punil;ment. The fin which provoketl'i him is untbankful-neglea ofConviatons and holy per- fwafions of the Spirit, and much more wilful Refiffance ofthem : Whenwe fin, it is not the bare fin that is all, as, to the Aft it felf, but efpecial,ly the Refiffing of the Spirit which in that fin we were guilty of, which we pay déarefb for : When . the Spirit. Con- vinceth,us, reproveth us, and ftriveth with our hearts, and we will not yield but overcome ic; And the pu. nifhment of withdrawing the. Spirits operations, is the more dangerous by how much the lets perceived and lamented : Ufually the figns of this Judgement are, for men to lofe their Life and Love to Goodnefs by degrees, and togrow indifferent in the matters ofGod : To grow formal in. Meditations, Exhortations arid: Prayer, and to keep up only an a -hefted fervency : To grow fftranger to God and the life to come, and more boldwith fin, and more worldly -wife to prove duty to be no duty, and fin no fin, and to plead for every flefilly. intereft, Many a true Chriftian that Iafeth not all grace, yet cometh to fo low a flare of faith, that faith doth but Live, but acgeth not with the conqueringandquickning vigor as it ought. And Alas I mutt tell you, that one grogfn, or many wilful lcfro- fins, may fo quench the fpirit, as that many a years time doth not recover it 7 nay with fome it is never recovered in the fame degree to their death. O if we knew what one hours fin may lofe us this way, we would not commit it for a world. S. .Alas