Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

.396 /rigpowMano fatnitp S. Alas! but what if 1 have quenched the Spi- grit, vs there noway to recover it ? What muff 1do? P. You muff deal faithfully with your felt by deep Repentance, and free confeflions : You muff mark what finful Tuft or affe Lion hath got poff"eflii- t}o of your heart inftead of holy Spiritual af"teeti- tris : And you muff fet upon the mortifying of trhofe' lofts refolvedly Efpecially you muft get far enough away from the Temptations which have prevailed with you. You muft ,note what declining you have made in duty, for matter or fervour ; and you muff fet your felf to all that duty which you have omitted. You muff: be much in Medi- tating on the greateft quickening truths, and plead them oft and earneffly with your foul. You muff rife (if pofíìble) the Converfe of lively Spiritual driffians : And in a word, the fame means mua be u(_d again, which God bleft to your quicken- ing at firíl: Efpeciaily earneft Prayer that God would reftore that meafure of his Spirits opera- tions which you have loft : And you muff mark by what wayes of Omifliion or Commiflion you quenched the Spirit : and by the Contrary muff it muff be reffored to you. And then in Health and fcknes you will have in you that Heavenly fire, which will carry up your heart to God, and that divine Nature which will mike Heaven and Ho- linefs connatural and fuitable and defirable to you. S. But howfhall I know whether Ihave the Spirit. Or whether 1have more or left ofit ? By the Love of God, and Holinefs, and by the -Love