SO Poo? Oano famítpZook. 397 Love of man and a defire to doGood': For thefe are its proper works. S. But .how, call I know that ILove God truly e? ;. . a P. (h) °When Gods Holy 'word, and the Holy Praelice of it and the thoughtsof your perfect Helinefs in HWa- How to know the Spi- ven, with Chrift and the holy rit, and Love ofGod. Angels, in the perfea Love, Praife and fervice of the molt Holy God, are all molt Pleafing to your Mind ; and more defired by you than the Riches, Honours and flcfhly pleafures of this world And when you long for the Holi_ nefs of the world and the profperity of the Church, and the good of the fouls and bodies of all men; and heartily& pray for the Hallowing of Gods name, and the Coming ofhisKingdom, and the Doing of ' his will on Earth as it' is in Heaven And when doing all the good you can in the world is your dailygrade andpleafure. This is the fore evidence ofthe Love ofGod and ofhis Spirit. S. I have heardfar different figes ofit from force, as if:flay in impulfes, raptures , and revelation of more than is in the Scripture : And I have .heard others mock at alt mention of the Spirit, as if here were nofilch thing, betides the effects ofNature, Art; In- duftry and imagination. P. Between thefe two malefactors the Church \, of Chrift in all ages bath been Crucified. But do you (h) Rom.5.5. 6- 8. 39. 7ohn 14.15; 23.r jehn .:2. 5. & 3.14,16, 17.& %. 3. &;f:ri;;zfi.. Ephef; 3,`17: iT' 5.2.Fphel.2.1o. blef: