398 the f turdip 'Zook. blefs God who bath given you ;that in (i) pof of lion and experience which others that have it : not can hardly know. And yet it ,w,eie,ieaftefor them , .were they confiderate, to dike--n, ,char the fore_ Paid Love of God and man is the true excellence of humane nature ; and that fore have it as I de.. fcribed it, though not in perfetion:. and that no men are brought to ir, but by the Gofpel and Gods fpecial b.le ling on it ;:AVEch is by -the operation of his Spirit. VI. The fixth Direftion to prepare for Death is, that 2"ou make it your chief care, to dwell con- tinually in the fenfe of Gods I,óve r, and be daily 4inployed in ftgdyini, the greatnefs ,o of it:, in the 1,7at of God, and the mercies of `the ,Gaffiel, and inall your own particular experiences: erind that .FruifeandThan ,sgi ipgbeyour daiÿy work, ;pifiindly note tho1parts athis Die ion. z . If you can but,lieep the fenfblue ,apprehenfiota of Gods +(&;) Love jcóntinually upon ,your heart, it mutt needs _snake Heaven defirable, to you And the drawings of Gods Love will oveicptnre the feats of death. Thinkmuch .. of the Infinite Perfection of God. Remember that his Goodnefs is equal to his Great- nefs; And what that is, Look up to the Heavens, (i) ohn 5.1o,11.Rom.8. 9, a, a3.(lZ) Z Tim. t.7,> Gal..}:.6.;Rom.5.5. &$,017) 39 Pfl. 1,9, I) 2. C.» '103, 318)1:1,17.1 ,oh.4 7,$.jGhn and