Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

° i c oíD? "á''anfa m íhj Moat. 399 and think ofall the world, and you may fee. There- fore he is called Love it fell. And fháll it be hard for a foul that defireth to pleafe Gud, to believe that Love it felf Both Lave him, and that infinite Goodnefs will be pleafed withhim in Chrif > 3 The Son of God incarnate, in his whole work of Redemption, is fo wonderful a Glafs to reveal to man the Love of God, that (1) the dying of Chrift doth as aptly tend to acquaint the foul with Divine Love and Lovelinefs, as the great- eft beneficence ofthe greateftfriend doth ,tend to. Con- vince usofhis friendfhip. 4. The On) remembring all the g.èat mercies of your lives, to your fouls and bodies, , to every place and Rate and company, will 'tiél á to convince you, that he that bath done all this for you, Lovett.) you : And you may trill that God of Love at death, who bath filled upiyour Lives with thebenefits ofhis Love. 5. And ifyou make (n) Praife and Thankfgiving to be half your prayers every day, and employ your heart and tongue still in them, this exerraft of Love to God, will keep on your foul a feet apprehenfìon ofhis Love to you, and make both health and ficknefs eafie, if not full of delight. t To live in the fenfe of Gods_Love; and fo (1) rph 3 19. Ta :: 3 1 , 4, 5 ° i, -t`Rhn.i. i 2. `(na) flm 163.I,2,3,4;5 Pfa1., 66.Pfa1 i i b. (n) Pfal. `145. dp. 109.. 30. &.71. 8,15. 6- 63e3>97,5:s6 C- 34. 148, 149.150. the