Ll.®0 SO Poo2 fflftilo fRmílpZook. the exercife of Love to God, by Praifes, and ho- ly defires , and good . works , is the very fire fruits and foretaft of Heaven on Earth and is a fruit of Believing more 'excellent than Belief it felf; and çomforteth the foul and draweth it to God by the molt powerful way, even by experimental'tafle ofhis Love and Goodnefs. And he will eaflieft be- lieve that there is a Heaven for him, who bath the be- ginning and foretafts ofit already. S. V I I. And a great part of your Preparation lyeth in this, that You daily live as in Heaven while you are on Earth,by Faith, Hope andLove,e, erci f ed in HevenlyCortçempl ation. If you live 'as a ftranger to Heaven in health, you will be ftrange to it (it's like) in ficknefs And the 'foul will rather have terrour than pleafure in thinking of going , to a - flrange place , a .ftrange God , ftrange Company , and ftrange Employ- ment. Therefore Chrift calleth us to Lay up our Yreafure in Heaven, Matth, 6, 20. that is,.' to 'Make it the work of our lives fo to ufe all our prefent time and means and mercies, as may belt make fure of the Heavenly reward. And where our Yrcafsire is, our Hearts will be, Matth. 6. 21f. If you believe that you have a "far greater happinefs referved for you with God , _ than this world affordeth , nature will reach you to delire your own Happinefs. _ And we are Commanded, col. 3. I, 2, 3, 4. as being rifen with Chrift to feek, the things that are above, trhere Chrift fitteth on the right hand of God Yo fet our mind or affet ion on things above, andnot ow things on Earth: Becaufe ive are dead (to