Coe Poo/ an farm p 401 (to the world) and our Life(that is our felicity) is hid (Or out of fight) with Chrift in God (in the fikht and fruition ofGod in Heaven : ) And when Chrift who is oar Life (caufally and radically) lima appear (in his Glory to the fight of man,) then Ihall we alfo appear with him inglory, (our happinefs will be vifible to all.) And Phil. 3.20. it is "aid [OurConverfiaion for Bur, ges-fhip, or City-conVerfe) is in Heavemj Rememberdaily, that there iS your rather, yout Saviour, your Comforter, your home, your Wpinefs, your Glory, your Friends, your intereft, and your great& bufinefs. You are already (o) Heirs and mutt quickly be poffeffours. (p) Ton are come to Mount Sion,and to the Cityof the living God, the Heavenly Jerufalem, and toan innumerable Company (or ten thou- fands) ofAngels, to the General Affembly, and Church ofthe .firftborn, which are enrolled in Heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the Spirits of 3.uft men made perfeEt, and to Tefus the Mediator of the .Nei*) Covenant, and to the blood offprinkl,ing, which feak.erh better things than Abels. Therefore let me advife and intreat yoU, that you do all that you do in theworld with Heaven ftill inyour eye:. Hear, and read and pray as if Heaven were open ffili before you :Reflft temptations, trade and follow your bufinefs in the world,- as if Heaven were Rill in fight as a Traveller holdeth on his journey in remembrance of the End. And fpecially, ufe often to fet your feif purpofely (at feafonable hours as you are able) to Meditate on the Heavenly Glory. And though we muft form ma (0)/4r/2,8.15,17,T:8. (p)fleb.12.22.,23,24.. D d Image