Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

4O2 Zip pm? an:11'anútp "Sook71.- Image inour Minds of Godhimfelf, but think of him as an Infiniee Spirit, Infinitely powerful, Wife and Good; Yet we may and muff thinkby the help of Imagination of the Glorified humane Nature of Chrif, and the Gig- rimStateof Heaven it felf. And as intuitively we hereknow our own fouls in Act, our Vitality, Onder- fanding, and Wills : fo by knowing our felves, we may know inpart what God and Angels and holy fouls are And as our Bodies {hall be glorified, fo we may haie anfwerable ap rehenfions of them ; And where we may not think tifimagined Glories, (as of the Light ofthe Sun, or shining bodies) as ifthe Glory of Spirits were juft the fame, yet we may think of them, as (q) refemblances or fimilttudes: as the New ferufalem is defcribed, Rev. 2I. & 22. And from the fenfe and thoughts ofall the Delights of man on Earth, we may aggravate the unconceiveable joyes of Heaven. Set therefore oft before your eyes, the certainty, the nearnefs, theGreatnefs ofthat Glory : Think howmany millions of holy fouls are there in joy,while we are here in fears & cares : Think of the excellent fervants ofGod, who havepafhed thither-through a world of tryals, and were lately compafhed with fuch infirmities as ours, and paffed through deathas we muff do : Remember that we go not an,untroddenpath,but arefol lowersof all the Spi. rits of the just : Think howmuch better it is with them than with us ; How they are freed from all our fins and fufferings, doubts and fears : 'O think what it is for a perfec`fed holy foul, to foe the Glorified Redeemer, and all theholy company ofSaints and Angels ; Yea to fee the Glory of God himfelf, and to have the knowledge (q) i Cor.3, 11212. 2 Cor. 3.18.