Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

t s Pooh ano,famitp Zook. 403 ofall his Glorious works : To feel his Love poured out unto us, and to be rapt up, in Loving and praifing him forever, in the moft tranfcendent Joy and pleafure of the Soul. Think ofyour holy acquaintance that are gone before you, and frequently fetch as it were a walk in the ftreets of, the City of God ; Suppofe you fat their Glory, and heard their concordant praifes of their Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier: Let thefe kind of thoughts be fo oft and ferions, that they may be your daily work and pleafure, and the Converfation ofyour minds with God above. And becaufe your heart will be backward, drive it on, and as I told you about Meditation, you mud use td Preach as it were to your Pelf. Let Heaven be your fubjeet Convince your heart with Evidence,urge it with Heavenly Motives, folace it with Heavenly comforts ; And when it is dull, turnyour thoughts by Petition to God,,and beg his helps : Sometimes tpeak to your felves, and fometimes Reverently to God;and thus keep a holy Communion and familiarity above ; And this will make Heaven deferable to you at a dyinghour. But the fuller Directions for the practice of this duty I muff refer you to in the fourtth part of my Saints Refl. VIII. The next Direction to prepare for Death is ; That you mortifie thefiefh in timeofhealth, andfee that nothing inthis world be too dear and pleafing to you and let notfenfeand imagination ruleyou. Ifyou be in Love with any thing here, you will be the lother to leave it : And if the flejh be too dear to you, its fufferings will be the more grievous, and you will bethe lother to lay it to rot in the Earth. And if you ufeto live to much by fight and fenfe, you will grow fo familiarwith things fenfibleland fo ftrange to things unfeen that you will fcarce be able to fee any ä7d z further