404 eDe Poo; an f atnUCp 'Zook. further with the mind, thanyou can fee with your eyes and fcarce any thingwill feem certain to you, or be ef- feaual with you, which you fee not. But if you get your affeaions looted from the world, and mortifie the (r) flefh with its affections and delires; and become indifferent to the things of fenfe;and ufe to over-rule your fenfe by faith, and live moil upon un- feen things ; there will be little to entangle, and hinder the willingnefs of your departingfouls. IX. Next I advifeyou Tofettle well the ffáte of your foal, by Examination and felf acquaintance, in a good óaffaurance ofyour own fincerity : For, as I told yoú,when youhave overcome the doubts of the truth of Gods promifes and the life to come, it will be the doubts of your owns fincerity then, which will be your fear, and make you unwilling to die. How you may do this I have told you oft,and fully in a book called, The method for Peace of Confcience.At the prefent I íhall add thefe brief Inftruc`tions. I. Bywhat Evidence or figns to judge 1 have here be- foreoft told you ; (f) evenby Faith working by Love to Godandman : Or by your true Conjoin to the Covenant ofGrace, exprtffe in a holy obedient life. Particular- ly, r. If God, to be feen and Loved in the Joyes of the Heavenly Glory, be the Chief End of your heart and life. 2. If Chrift be taken for your only Saviour. (r) Rom.8. I 3. Fom.13. I3,I4. Gal. 5.-24.2 Cor. Q.. 16,18, 57 Col.3.s,6.(()e/`Plat. 28.19. Mar. 16. 16.fohn 3.16,18. Gal.5.6, 13,22,23,24. R-,,m,13. Io. .l!-1it.5.3,4,5,6 7,8 9. Rom.B. I, 9, 13. Wohn 3.19,20, 21,22. Mat. 6.20,33. Cor. 5.8. 1 fohn.3.r4. 3. if