Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

3. If you aredefirous that by his Spirit he íhould per- feâly San&ifieyou. 4. If you have no fin but what =youhad`rather leave than live in. S. If you love the word and 'Means which fhould SanClifie you, and Ion a holy life; and had rather have more Holinefs, than have all the wealth and pleafurre of the world. 6. If you are willing to ufe Gods means hereto. 7. If the main delire ofyour heart and drift of your life be to pleafe God. 8. If you love Gods Servants for their holinefs and delire the increafe ofholinefs in the world, and labour to do good to the fouls and bodies of others in your place as you are able ; All thefewill prove the truth of your Confent to the Covenant of God, and that you have his Spirit. 2. And having thefe certain Marks before you, ex- amineyour flare impartially by them, as one that is go- ing to the Judgement of God : And what you cannot do at one time, do at another ; And ceafe not till, you are able to ca"nclude, Chit yourfoul is fincerely devoted to God, aced Truflerh on Chrtii for the pardon ofyour fins. And if you cannot fatisfie your Confcience without help, advife with force able faithful Minifter. 3. Andwhen you fee Gods Graces Evident in you, give him thanks for them ; and rejoyce in his Lève, and watchfully ftudy to keep and exercife and increafe the Gracewhich he hath given you. And let not Satan make you ffill queftion all again at his pleafure. 4. Two extreams you muff here carefully avoid. r . Be not prefurnptuousand partial, and blinded by felf- lore, to think without proof that all is well with you., meerly becaufe you would have it fo. z. Keep not up a timorous fcrupulous difpofition ; like a childith Servant, who inftead of doing his work as well as be can, loth nothing but cry becaufe he cannot do it to lá d 3 pleafe -