Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

vv Nrs,,yM Wit4i.iv JDUUp pleafe his Matter As if when you fincerely defire to pleafe God beforeyour flefh, and doyour beft or truly endeavour it, you, could not believe that in Chriftbe will accept you but are Rill thinking of Godas an Enemy or cruel, that nothingcan pleafebut the death of Sinners. , \'Vhen you have thus fetled the fateof your foul, and can fay,. I know that I ampaffed from death to life ; you are fortified then againíf moft of your temptations, to finful fears, and unwillingnefs to come toGod, Xt The Taft part is more .eafilydone ; That is, Settle your worldly eftate andaffairsfo, as one fhoulddo that is ready to depart. Make your Will, that none may contendabout your efate when youare dead. If you have wronged any, make them reftitution. Ifyou are fallen out with any, be quickly reconciled and forgive them. To thefe I would have added that you learn before- hand what Temptations are like to offault you, in Eck? nefs, and get particular defenfatives againft them. But this I have fpoken tobefore. S. Tau have told me how to prepare for death in health: Iprayyou tell me next how to prepare further in Çcknefs ? P. I muff not here overwhelm you with multitudes of Direetions,nor fet you upon long preparation in lick- and hard tasks ofMeditations : For nets. labially Nature through pains and weaknefs, is unable for much work. It is the time of health which is the working timed . Yet becaufe fomething is then tobe done, efrecially by them that have longer fickneffes,which defiroy not their rea- ypn, I fha`1 bray ,dvife fucb. Iä .ff