COPool an0 .amííp15ook. 407. 1. If it beone that is unconverted and unpr epared before, Alas, what fhall I fay ? The time is°fhort, and the body weak, and r. ty the uncon- it is hard to knowthat theirRepentance verted. isnot the fruit of meer Fears, rather than of a changedheart,Theyare many things that fuch aman hash to Learn and Think on ; and a great change to be made, beforehe, can be faved ! And is a little time of ficknefs fit for allthis ? But yet there is force Hope, and while there is life and hope we muff do our belt : To fuck therefore I fay, Be it never fo late, thefe three things molt be doneor youare loll for ever. I. You muff be convinced not only that youare Sin- hers, but that you are ungodly unconverted Sinners ; and that Gods (t) difjileafure and damnation is your due, till your humbled fouls do feel the need ofa Savi- our and San&ifier. 2. When youfeel that you are loft in mifery by fin, you mull believe that Chrift is a fufficient Saviour, who bath dyed for our fins, and is rifen and Glorified, and isour lnterceffour with the Father, and hath made a Covenant that whoever truly(u)Believeth in the Father, Son and HolyGhoft, and Repenteth of bis finful life, and turneth to God, by his Son and Spirit, fhall be pardoned and faved : And this Covenant is offred to you as well as others.; And nothing but your obftinate refufal ofChrift, and his fancifyiüg, fpirit, word and grace can deprive youofpardon and Salvation : There- fore youmull prefently and abfolutely Con nt ; andgive ('t) Jahn 3.1$,36.Mar. i6. te.",k,);"o1,n 3. 15; 16. .Eîîí. z ®.18. D d 4 u}