Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

408 OAPoq Manz famítp 'Ant. up your Pelffoul and body, to God the Father, to your Saviour and Sanctifier, to Jufl<ifie, Adopt, $an&ifie and fave you, Refolving if you recover, to live to God in a holy life, and not to the world, the flefh and the Devil ; Even as if you were newly to be Baptized and vowed unto God. 3 . You muff chink next of the Infinite Gpodnefs of God ; the Lovewhich he hath ¡hewed You in Chrift, f foul and body ; the mercifulnefs of his nature; the and certainty of his promifes ; , and the unfpeak- Glory which you fhall have in Heaven with God, aad your Redeemer and his holy Angels and Saints, ifyou refute it not.Q think what a bleffed life it is to be Ipr ever full of Joy in the fight and Love and Praifes of God, in Comparifon of this life of fin and mifery Think ofthis Goodnefs and Kingdom of God, till your .Icart,your Love it felf be changed, and till you had rather have God in Heaven than to have all the plea- Aires of this world : For till then you are not fan&ified, por in a Rate of Salvation. All that is done by fear #zlvne, till the heart and love be turned from fin to God pnd holinefs, will not fave you. And feeingthefe three things muff needs be had, or you are utterly undone, Fray hard fox fuch a renewed heartyour felves, and get others to pray for you ; And know, that if you late Repentance have truly Con- yerted your hearts from the Love of the world and fin, to the Love of God and Heaven and Holinefs, and you be fuch a5 Aveuld hold out if you fhould recover, you (hall be faxed how late foever it be. But if it be only the Refolution of a frightened Confcience, which would not bring forth a holy life if you did recover, it will too: fave )°ou, But