Ue iotv ipano famuIp 'Book. 409 II. But if it be the Converted that I muft Aired for their further pre- parations, their duty is as fol- 2. By the Converted. loweh. i. Miftake not "ficknefs and death, as if there were more harm in "it, than there is indeed. Believe not fiejh andfenfe in this, which cannot fee into the (w) Love and Wifdom ofGod, which ordereth it ; nor unto that quiet fruit of righteoufnefs, which is the End. Sick- nefs is (though in its pains a fruit of fin, yet) now an Ordinance ofGod, on which you may as confidently expe& his blefiing, as on his Word and Sacraments. Labour therefore to get thebenefit of it, to find out your fin, and repent of it, and abhor it, and fee more rife- etually thevanity and vexation of the world : And re- member what a mercy it is,that man who is fo loth to die, fhould end his dayes in fuch pain and weaknefs,as make him weary of himfelf, and make him the more willing to be difiblved. For though this alone without Faith and Love, will draw no mans heart to Heaven or fave him ; yet fuch a help againft the finful Love of life and fear of death, is no (mall mercy. Get but the benefit of fcknefs, and experience will reconcile you to the provi- dence of God, and prevent repining. 2. (x) Begof God for the fake of your Redeemer, fuch afìiftance andoperations of his Spirit, as your low and weak condition needeth, and as are fuitable to a dyingman. He bath great help and grace for great necefíities. 3. Renewyour Repentance and confefiìons of fin, and warn all about you to learn byyour experiences, and to (w) Heb. 1 2.8,9)10,11,12.1 Cor. i I.31,32.(x)Pfal. 41 .3. z Kcng.zo. I ? &c. Ifr.38. 12 &C.