410 ilrbe Pow ano famtlpZook. ret their hopes and hearts on Heaveñ,and to make it the workof all their lives to prepare for fuck a change. O tell themwhat deceit andmífchiefyou have found in fn ! What vanity and vexation you have found in the world l What Goodnefs you have found in God and Holinefs ! What comfort you have found in aria, & his promifes & the hopes ofendlefs Glory! And what a miferable cafe youhad now been in, ifyou had had no better a portion than this world, & nothing to'com- fort you but thepleafures offin, which noware all your fhame and difcomfort,. Advife them to Live as they would die, and tell them how, little all the world loth fignifie to a dying man : Call on them not to be 'de, ceived by Inch baits, asall dying men fince Adam have confeffed tobe but Vanity : Call on them to turn 'with- out delay, and not to pamper a body for the worms, but to fet themfelves prefently withall their hearts, to re- ceive their Saviour, and to obey his Spirit, and word, and to live to God, and to make much of their fhort uncertain time, and to make Pure of everlafting joyes, whatever become ofthe flefh and world. 4. Renew your believing thoughts of Gods Love ; and of all the mercies of your life, whichhe bath given you.Inflead of furrowing that theyare at an end,rejoyce with thankfulnefs for what you have had : O think what a mercy it is to be brought forth in a land and age of Light ! To have had all the teaching and means and warnings, anddeliverances which you have had I. And to have had that eE etual affii{ance of Gods fpirit, which opLned your eyes and turned you from darknefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto God ! That all your fins are pardoned thro_agh Chrift,and that you are reconciled to God, and aiopted through him, led by the fpirit to the Heavenly inheritance !