Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

O triumph in that love which hath thus delivered you, and brought you fo near your journeys(y)end,and faved you from fo many temptations of Satan, and from the Hefh, and this deceitful world ! Think of Gods Good- nefsand Love, as exceeding the Goodnefs and Love ofthe belt of Creatures,infinitely more than the Sun ex ceedeth a Candle in light and heat. And that' a poor fexvant ofhis who bath endeavoured, in fincerity, though in finful weaknefs,to do his will, and bath a high Pried interceding for him in Heaven, be afraid to go to fuch a God ! What can encourage and draw up a foul, ifInfinite Goodnefs cannot doit? If Godwere but as. Lovingas my deareft friend : Ifhewere butas Good & amiable as the Sun is Light and Glorious,as the hea- vens are,fpacious, asthe earthis firm, as the Sea isdeep thould I not joyfully give up my foul into his hands ? and confidently yield to his difpofal ? and fearlefy come to him at his Call ? O that we knew the Good- nefs ofGod ! what a full content and fatisfa&ionwould it be tous ? and turn ourfears into fervent love, and ear neft longings for his glory? 5. Now fteep your fouls in the believing thoughts of the Heavenly Glory, to which you are going. O now remember that the time is but lhort, till you fhall fin: no more , and fear no more, and fuller no more! Till you fhall know God and his works, not only as much as you cannow defire, but as much as then your heart canwith, and your enlarged capacity receive Till you shall love him more than now you can defire to love him ; and your Joy fhall be greater than now you can conceive and with : When God shall be more to your foul for ever, than the Sun is to your eyes, or fy) ,2 7äm.q.,y,8,2 or.5. 1,2, 394)5,6,7;8. your