Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

412 ZIPPoo; Manz jamnp zooa* your foul is toyour body 1 O what an hour will it be, whenyou fhall be newly entred into the City of God, the Heavenly fociety, and Ping your 6rft 'long of joy. ful Praife in the bleffed Chore to God and toate Lamb'! Owhat anenemy, what an unreafonable thing is unbe- lief ! that can make us Rand trembling without the doors, and afraid to enter, while millions of our bre- ehren are rapt up in triumphant Joyes within 1 while our Lord prepareth us our place, and with all his holy An-. gels is defirous of our pretence, and the Heavenly haft will welcome us with Joy t 6. Now confidently deliver up yourfouls into the band of your Father' and your Redeemer, and giv e over diftraiful caringfor yourfclves. I. Will you not Truft the God and Father of your spirits, who is Love it felf? Will you not truff your Saviour, that path Paved you fo far already ; and bath faved fo manymillions beforeyou ? Trull him with his Own : Believe it, he loveth you better than you love your felt. He is as loth that you fhould be damned as you are tobe damned, and more willing to fave you than you are tobe faved t Owoe toyou, if through all your life, he had not fhewed himfelf more willing than irou.Trufl', him againft all the accufationsof the Lawltruft bim as theSatisfier of Gods Legal Juftice I Truft him as the 1MMeritcr ofLife eternal ! As the Juftifier of chafe that could not be juftified by the Law of Innocency, and their righteous works ! As the Mediator of the New Covenant, fealed by his blood, by which free for- givenefs and life is given to all true believers !Truft him as the King and Judge of all ;'and as the Advocate of the faithful ; and our great High Prieft who intercedeth for us, and bath himfelf poffeffionof the Glory to which he bath promïfe:d tobringus 1 And z.