Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

SO pool %'' ano facmtp lSook. 413 And a. Trutt him implicitly and abfolutely, and give over Eve'sdefire of Knowing Good and Evil for your Pelf! We little confider how much that Defirc did let iii at once Corruption and Calamity upon the natureof mankind ! WhenAdam andEve should have only defired to know Gods perfeEbion of Power, Wif- dom and Goodnefs, as the firfi and tali, the fountain and endofall ourgood, and toKnow their own Relation to himand their duty, expe£ting his Love (which is better thanLife) upon their love and obedience; they were tempted to Selfjhnefs and Independency, and to leavetheir Trutt and Reft in God, and to defire to be their ownCarvers, and as Gods to themfelves : Like a Child that inftead of trufting his father, for his food and rayment, muff become judge what is belt for hin - Pelf : Or like a Patient who inftead of Trufting his Phy- fìcian, and obediently taking what he giveth him, muff needs know the ingredients of his Medicines, and the reafonsof themall : Thus foo!ifh man fell from God to himfelf, and not putting all his Truft in God, would fainbe his own Guide, and Judge andCarver, and take that care ofhis own affairs, whichbelonged not to him- felf but unto Cod. And as this mifgoideth all our lives, fo this tormenteth us with cares and fears in life and at death. But Chrift came to recover us from our fives to God. Care then how to know your Crearon and Redeemeer ; his Power, Wifdom and Love Care how toTrutt him with foul and body, and to do your duty : And then (z) care for no more ; bta leave (z)Mat.6.25;26, 2,9, 31,34. LHk. 12. 32. Pet. 5.7 nil+6. fou