Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

414 e%e goacq n,; .anofamftp foul and body more quietly and comfortably to his love and will, than if they were abfolutely at your ownwill, to be, and do and have what youwould with For God is fitter to choofe fox you, and to difpofe ofyou than you. Take not then one careful thought, of the corruption ofyour flefh, or of any of the amazing unfearchable difficulties of the nature of fpirits, and the things unfeen, which overwhelm and bewilder thofe that muff know Good and Evil themfelves. But Reft your foul in the Willof God through your Redeemer ! In that will which is Infinitely Good, and which is the Beginning, Guide and Endof all things, and the only felicitating Refs of fouls. . 7. Let all there holyAffeEtions be exercifed in your Enkpreffions, if your difeafe allow you an expreding ftrength. Magnifie Gods Goodnefs, and fpeak good of his name, and word and wages; not by a_diífembled affe&arion, but from your heart : Make others to fee that there is a reality in the comforts of faith and hope; and that the death of the righteous is-fo defirable, as maketh their lives defirable alfo. Your tongues are givenyou to pride the Lord : They have but a little while more to fpeak : Let their latf work be done to his glory, as ftrength will bear. Tell men what you have found him, and fpeak of the Glory of his Kingdom which you expe&, that the hopes and defires of others may be excited. And turn your last words to God himfelf in Prayer and Praifes, beginning the work which you mull do in Heaven. Imitate your dying Lord, Luke z3. 46, [Father into thy hands Icommend my f irit : ] Andhis fire Martyr, A. 7. 59, [ Lord fefus receive my Spirit.] by