IrDe Poo? anofatnflp 'Book. 417 not to the power of darknefs and unbelief ! Though Glorybe not openly feen till it is enjoyed, let me now when lamfo near it, havefuch a fight of it by faith,as úfui_ table to this low and darker Jtate. O thou that art the Spirit ofLife, fo quicken and actuate this fluggifïl foul, that the laft part of my race may be run with vigor, and the lair ati ofmy life may be done in evidence of the.fHeavenly influence, and may be like,- to the flea. venly employment than all the refit bath been ! O thou that art the Santltfier and Comforter offi,isls, now kindle thatfire ofHeavenly Love in me, and give me fometafle of the Celeflial oyes, weich may feelingly tell me that there is a heaven indeed ; and may be the witnefr withinme, and the pledge and earnefi that 1 Pall live witlhChrifl. Myflefh, and my own heart new fail : theworldand all therein is nothing to me ; I am . takingmy everlaflingfarewelof themall: lint one beam ofhisface, andone tafle ofhis Love, who is my Portion forever, will be f rength and joy to my departing focal, and (i) better than this Life andall itspleafxres. game Lordwith thefefeafonable comforts into my foul, that myfoul may comfortably corne to thee ! My life had been but Death, and Darknefs and Difaffehion to God, ifthou hadfl not been inme, afpirit ofLife, and Light- andLove : The Tempter had elfe been fill! too ftrong and fubtilefor me : And how then fialll deal with him myfelf, when the languifhing of my body difableth my foul ? Thoudelifeft not Art and Reafon : .1 thank thee for the tale 1had ofthem in their feafon. But ane beam of thy Light, onefPark of thy Love, one motion of the Heavenly Life, will better confute the enemy of faith, ¡ (h) Pf.>7?z,zo (i) Pfa1.43.3. e