418 $b¢P002 ano fAtnfip Mod, than my di fjiates can do : The Divine nature incited by Divine inf iiration, mnß do match more than humane art. Teachme effeEh allybast to Love and Praife thee; andit 'hallpowerfully prove to me that there is a Heaven, where I1halljoyfully Love and Praife theefor ever. Alas, dear Lord, I am afbamed that to Love and Praifethee,Should be to myfoul a work, of difficulty! That it is not more natural and cafe tome, than tó Love and Praife any created thing or perfon whatfoever What fhall I love ifnot Goodnefs and Love it felf, which made me pnrpol'ely to Love him ? who Redeemed me that by Love he might win my Love ; and Santtifiedme to difpofe my foul to Love him ? What Shall l praire, if not Infinite Perfection? the Glory of nhoJe Power, Wifdorn, and Goodnefs doth thine forth n the whole Creation ! Heaven andEarth Praife thee I, Andam I no part ofHeaven or Earth ? The whole Creation doth proclaim thy Glory ! And am I none of thy Creation ?. Thy very Enemies when Redeemed, Pyeionciled and forgiven, doPraife the Love and G ayé'of their Re- deemer ! And am Inot one ofthefe ? Thegreat Teacher ofthe Church, is the Schoolmafier of,tove and Praife And have I not Learned themyet,wfo havefo long had fo excellent a 7eacher ? Thy Saints. all Love thee ; for it is the effence o faSaint : They Praife thee ; for it is the work,o f Saints : And am I none of thefe ? I am let than the !twit of all thy mercies ! Rut it is not the leafs o f thy mercies which l have received : A,nd if a Lifefallofinercies have not brought forth a life full of Love and Praife ; Oyet let it end in a Lowing and a Praifing- death ! Glory,beto God in the highefi ; On earth Peace ; ` and Good will towards men! Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and ss to come : Of thee, and