Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Sig Paw anzfamtipZOvk 4dY and through thee, and to thee are all things; the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, For thou haft created all things, andfor thy pleafore they are, and were created. Bleging and honour and Glory and Power, be to him that jitteth on the Throne, and to the Lambfor ever and ever; even to our Redeemer who wa'heth is in his blood, andmaketh us Kingsand Priefts to God. Great and Marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty !fuß andtruc are thy wades than King of Saints! Who (hall not fear thee O Lord, and Glortfw thy name ? for thou art Holy ! Amen ; Allelazra ! for the LordGod omnipotent Reigneth. Praife our God all ye his fervants ; and ye that fear him both fmall and great. Praifeye thegreat Redeemer of the world, who es our Wifdom, Righteoasfnefs, Sandication and Re- demption : the BelovedSon, in whom we are reconciled andadopted, and in whom the Father is well pleafed whowill [mite the Nations with the fword of his mouth, and rule themwith a rodofiron, and treadcth the wine- prcfs ofthe wrathofGod: who bath the Keyes of death andhell, and is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Myfoul loth magnifie the Lord, andmy [ irit rejoyceth in God my Saviour: who kath redeemedme from my low and loft eftate ; for his mercy endureth for ever ! Blej the LordOmyfoul ; and dl that is within me blefs his holy name : Blef the Lord O myfond, andforget not ail his benefits: Whoforgiveth all thine iniquities, and harh often healed thy difeafes! Who redeemed thy life from deftru5tivn, andcroineth theewith love and tender mercies ! Whom have linHeaven hit Thee ? and what is there on earth defirable befides thee ? The Lord takcrb Pleatere in his people , Hewill beautifie the meek wii b falvation. In thy Light we 'hallfee Light ; Thou(halt make al drink of the Rivers ofthy pleafure .. In thy pYe.- e 2 fence i 4