Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

4zo et)EPafl; ,. ano family 115oati. fence is fulnefs ofyoy, ándat thy right hand are plea- furesfor evermore. Goodnert andmercy have followed me.all dayes : and thou haft dewed me the path of Life. Let my heart therefore be glad, and my glory rejoyce ; and let me leave this 114 to refl. in hope. Let the Heavens re¡oyce : and 0 that the Earth were taught toimit ate them, in thy praife ! Thy Angels and the triumphant Church do Glorifie thee : 0 train up this mi- litant Churchon Earth, in Love and 'concord to this joyful work! And let all fefh blefs thy holy name, for ever and ever á Let every thing that path breat , Praife the Lord! Andfo let me breath out my departing foul! And thou wilt not calk away thefoul that cometh unto thee inLoVe and Pratte. Father, into thy hands I com- mend myfiirit ;who art the Father off'irits,and myFa- ther in Chrifi ! LordKw receive my rpirit ; and re- lent itfuftzfed and fpotlefs to theFather!And O our fore- runner tale me to thy felf, who being rifenfenteil this mefage even tofâriners : Say to my Brethren ;1 arcend to my Father and your Father ; to my God and your God. Amens Short