26 Sigpoo) : ßßn0 fam tp pardoned all the world on Condition that theÿ e lieve andturn toGod. But till they believe and repent they are not actually pardoned. He may be the Phy_ tìcian ofall the City or Hofpital, who undertaketh to cure all in the City or Hofpital that will truít him and rake his remedies : And yet all may die that will.not truft him, and be ruled by him. S. But Ido believe in Chrift , andBelievers arefor- given. F. Ifyou truly Believe, you have good reafon for your hopes;. But I am loth yob Mould be miftaken in fogreat a bufinels. Í ntua firft tell you therefore what; true Believing is, Every true Believer loth at once believe in GodtheFather, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft. And he believeth all Gods word to be True, and he heartily confenteth that Godbe his only God, and that Chrift be his only faviour, and the holy G )oft his fin.. EFier, and he Trufteth hinnfelf wholly to God alone , for Happinefs,, and for uftification and Saníifacation and Salvation. Do you do this ? S. I hope I do :. Ibelieve inGod and truft him. P. Let us a little confiderall the parts of faith, and trywhether you thus Believeor nor. i. Do you truly believe that without Regeneration, Repentance, Con- verfion, and Holinefs,. none can be faved and fee God ? Yob. 3. 3, 6. Luk 13.3,5. Atzttb. 18. 3. Heb. I2. 14. And that ifany man have not the fjirit of Chrift he is none ofhis ? Rcm.8.9. If yqu do nor, ydu Believe not theword ofGod. 2. Do you take the (q)Love ofGod and the -Hea- venly Cloy to be your only Happinefs, and Trull to (q}'Pral.;3.25. 63.3.& 4.6,7. nctliinö