Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

422 SigPm -n famné 4a1. 4rt a Man of Reafon, and not a Bruit ; and haft a Soul whichwas made to Know, and (a) Love, and Serve thy Maker : and that not in the fecond Place, with the lea.. vings of the fleth ; but in thefirf1 piace, and with all thy Heart and. Might. if this had been indeed thy Life, God would have been thy portion, thy Father and thy Defence, and thou mighteft have liv'd in peace and comfort, and thenhaveliv'd with God for ever. And fhould not a Creature li"veto the Ends and Ufes which it was made for ? Muft God give thee all thy powers for Hirnfelf, and wilt thou turn them from him, to the fervice of the fleth, and that when thou. hadit vowed the contrary in thyBaptifm? How wilt thou anfwer for fuch treacherous ungodlineis ? II. It is time for thee tow to have ferios thoughts ofthe Life which th9ss art going to. if thou couldlt sleepily forget it all the way, it is time to awaken when thou cornea almoft there. When thy friends are bu- rying that Hefh in the earth, which thou didft more regard thanGoi and thy Salvation, thy Soul mulfi ap- pear in an (v r eiidlers world, and lee thofe things which God f 'retold thee of, a;rd thou wotildft not believe, or fet thy heart upän. As fain as Dfath bath opened the Cur: a ns,O what a fight mug thou prefently behold A world of Angels and ofholy Souls adoring and prai-, fing, and 41niring that. God, whom thou didi refu.fe to ;rínd, and love and prve : A tvottd of Devils and - damned fouls, in torment and derpair, bewailing their contempt of Chrift and Grace, their ne;lec`1 of God (:z) Drut>6. 5. v .C. .Z C; I.I. I, 23. (b) Deut, ,.a. li-'r.It. 6. 19, ?0., 3;. 1!-I,.r. 2.2 Or. 4. . ` Pio1.3.1. c> IS. 1,7 ;8 . j, i v 2,0. a11A