Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

glbc Paó; ano famíip )6go&. 423 and their Salvation ; their ferwing the Flefh, and loving theWorld, andwilfully lofing the time of Mercy, and all the means which God vouchfafed them. Believe it Sinner, there is an Endlefs Joy and Glory for the Saints,and an(c)Endlefs Mifery for all theUngodly ; and one of there muff quickly be thy cafe. Thy ¡bate is changeable while thou art in the Flefh ; if thy Soul be miferable, there is yet a Remedy ; ii's poßïble Chrift may renew and pardon it t But as loon as thou goeft hence, thou entereft intoa ¡fate of Joy or Tor- ment which muff never change ; no not when milli- ons of years are paff. And dolt thou not think now in thy confcience that fuch an Endlefs mifery fhould have been prevented with greater care and diligence, than all the fufferings ofthis life ? And that the attain- ing of fuch an Endlefs Glory, had been worth thy greateft care and labour ? Anddia t it is far better to Pc theGory of God, andbe tilled with his Love, and joy- fully praife him with his Saints and Angels for ever- more, and by a holy life to have prepared for this ;than to pleafe the Fleíh, and follow the World little while, and be undone for ever ? Haft thou got more by the World and Sin than Heaven is worth ? Thou arr altnoft atthe endOf Worldly pleafures, and haft all that ever they will do for thee ., but if God had had thy heart and fervice, he would not thus have call thee off; and his Rewards and joys would have had no end. Q how much happier are the blef ed Souls in Heaven than we (c) :27hef.I.9,I0. z l'ct IS. Ee4