424 ` In.e ipoo? Dano fam4750ot. III. And feting you are fo near to the Judgement of God, where your Soul muff receive its final Sentence, i t is high time now to (d)Yudgcyourfelf,and know what (e.) eftate your Soul is in ; whether in a Rate of ufli- ¡cation, orof Damnation-? for this may be certainly "(mown if you are willing. And fir({ you niu$ know, who theybe whom Chrift will yuflifie, and whom he will Condemn ? And this the WordofGodwill tell you ; for he will judge them by that Word. In a word, " All " thofe whomChrift will juffifie and fave, are made " new (f) creatures by the renewing work of the Holy " Ghoft : Their (g) eyes are opened to fee the vanity of this world, and the certaintyand excellency of the "Glory of Heaven ; and to fee the odioufnefs offin, " and the goodnefs of a holy life ; and to believe that Chrift is the (h) only Saviour to cleatife them from "their fins, and bring them to that Glory And there- " fore they forfake the fulfill (i) pleafures of the " fleflt, and fet their (k,) hearts on the everlafting " hlef ednefs, and leek it before all things ; and lament- cc ing andhating their former fins, they give themfelves " (incerely to their God and Father, their Saviour and ä their Sancifier, to be (l) taught and ruled, jufified, z (na) fanctified, and faxed by him ; refolving, what- ever it (n) colt the flefh, to Hand to this choice and " Covenant to the death. _;This is the cafe of all that hriA will juftiÁBand fave : The reft who never were thus renewed and fanaified will bg (o) ..condemned, as (d) T Cor.I T3 T. 2 Cor. T 3. 5. (e) 2 Pet. T. To. (f) yriion 3.. Cor. 0 7. Eph.r, r g. fh) 'John 3. r G, (t.) Gal.S. ;z4. 1Zorr'. l;, 9. k) 1111wt.6. 2. I, 23. (1) fvfatp2$. 2a, (m Ileb. 2 14. `(n) Rtzt.2 .7, !o. (y) fiId. fpte'