lure as the Gofpel is true. ' Therefore let it be fpeedily your work to try, whether this be your cafe or nor. Have you been thus enlightned, convinced, and renew- ed, to believe in Chrift, and the life tocome, and to give up your feltin a faithful Covenant to God your Fa- ther, your Saviour and San&ifier, to hate your fin, and to live and love a holy life, in mortifying the flefh, and feeking Heaven before the world ? If this be not your cafe, I fhould but flatter and deceive you, to tell you ofany hope of being faved till you are thus re- newed and ¡unified. Never imagine a lye, to quiet you till help is pain. No one that is unregenerate or unholy, shall ever dwell with God. Yet you may be faved, ifyet you will be truly converted and fan&ified but without this alï'uredly there is nohope. IV. Therefore I counfel you in the Name of Chrift, to leokbackuponyour (p) finful life with farrow ; not only becaufe of the danger toyourfelf, but alf`o becaufe you have ofended God! What think you new of afin- ful and of a holy life ? Had it not been better that you had valued Chrift and Grace, and lived in the love of God, and in the joyful hopes of the life to come, and denied the finful delires ofthe fiefh, and been ruled by the Lawof God, and fpenr your time in preparing for Eternity ? Do you not heartily with that this had been your courfe ? Would you take this courfe if it were tb do again, and God recover you ? Repent, repent, from the bottom of your heart, of the time you have loft, the mercy you have abufed , the grace you have refifted , of all your fiefhly , worldly defires , words and deeds, and that you gave not up your (p) Luke r3.3,5á Luke . foul