Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

itbe.Pm ano familp'Zook 427 than for life. Commit and truff your -Souls to Chrill He had never done fo much for Souls, if he had not lo- ved them, and been willing to receive them. How wonderfull y came he down to man, to bring up man to the fight of God! He is gone before to (t) prepare . us a Manfion in the. City of God; and hash promifed to takeus tohimfelf,tlaat we may dwell with hits, and fee his Glory 1 The world which you are going to, is (cs) unlike to this ; There is no Pride, or Luft, or Cruelty, Oppreffion, Deceit, or any fin no wicked men to fcornor perfecute you; noVanity to allureus ; no Devil to tempt us ; no Corruption of our own to burden or endanger us ; no Fears, or Cares, or Griefs, or Difcontents ; no Povercy,Sicknefs, Pain,or Death ;no doubtings of the love of God, or our Salvation But the fight of God and the feelings of his Love, and the fervent flames of our love to him, will be the everlaft- ing pleafure of the Saints. Thefe will break forth into triumphant and harmonious thanks and praife in thepre.fence of our glorified Redeemer, and in Con- cord with all the Heavenly Hoft,the bleffedAngels,and the Spirits of the JuíL.This is the end of Faith and Ho- linefs, Patience and Perfeverance : when Hell is the end of Unbelief, Ungodlinefs, Senfuality, and Hypo- crifie. How juftly are they condemned who fell their part ofendlefs joyes, for a fhadow and dream of tranfitory pleafures ! and can delight more in the filth of fin, and ina fading vanity, than in the love of God, and the fore-thoughts of Glory ! What Love can be too great ? what defines too fervent ? what Prayer and Labour can he toomuch ? what Sufferings too dear for fuck a Blefl'ednefs ? C t; j' 17 .24. ei r 2.26. (ts) Rev. d- 2. VII. La"ly,