tbepaip : ano fat/14 'Zook. 4 IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy- Six days (halt thou labour and do all thy work : But the S eventh dayis the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : In it thou (halt not do any work ; thou, nor thy Son, nor thyDaughter, thy Man-Servant, nor thy Maid-- Servant, nor thy Cattel, nor thy Stranger that is with- in thy Gates : For in fix days the Lord made Heaven and Earth,the Sea, and all that in them is, and rated theSeventh Day ; Wherefore the Lord blefi'ed the Sab- bath Day, andhallowed it. V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Thou (halt not kill. VII. Thou (halt not commit Adultery. VIII. ThouMalt not deal. IX. Thou (halt not bear falfe witnefs again(} thy Neighbour. X. Thou (halt not covet thy Neigbours Houle : Thou (halt not covet thy Neighbours Wife ; nor his Man -Servant, nor his Maid - Servant, nor his Ox, nor his Als, norany thing that is thy Neighbours. Qáefl. 3. Where id the Chrifliaa Religion moil faef1 opened, and intirely contained ? Anfw. In the holy Scripttïes; efpecially of the NewTeftament : Where, by Chrift, and his Apoflles and Evangelifts infpired by his Spirit, the Hiftory of Chrift and his Apoflles is fufficiently delivered, the Promifes andDoe`lrine of Faith are perfected, the Co- venant of Grace moll dearly opened, and Church- Offices, Worlhip and Difcipline eflablifhed. In the un- derflandingwhereof, the flrongel Chrillians may ha- creale whil(l they live on Earth.