43 z ZDe ;Pm ipanz 'famttp WaoIt. The explained Profeffion of the Chrifiiaíi Relrion. I. f Believe that there is one GOD ; An Infinite I. Spirit of Life,Underftanding and Will ; Perfeftly Powerful wife and good ; The Father, The Affe,it. the Word,and the Spirit; The Creator, Governor,and Endof all things ; Our abfolute Owner, our moll juft Ruler, and our molt gracious Benefaftor, and molt amiable Good. IL I believe that man being made in the Image of God, an imbodied Spirit of Life, Vnderftandíng land Will, with holy Vivacity, Wifdom and Love, to Know, and Love, and Serve his Creator, here and for ever ; did by wilful finning fall from his God, his Holinefs and Innocency, under the wrath of God, the condeme nation of his Law, and the flavery of the Flefh, the World, and the Devil. And that Godfo loved the World, that he gave his onlySon to be their Redeemer Who beicg GOD, and one with the Father, took our Nature, and became M AN : being conceived by zhe Holy Gholt, born of the VirginMary, called Jefus Chrift : Who was perfectly holy, finlefs, fulfilling all Righteoufnefs, overcame the Devil and . the World , and gave himfelf a Sacrifice for our fins by fuffering a curled Death on the Crofi, to ranfome us, and re- concile us unto God, and was buried, and went among the Dead ; the third day he rote again, having con- quered Death. And he fully eftablilned the Cove- nant of Grace, that all that truly repent and believe, /ball have the Love of the Father, the Grace of the Son, and the Communion of thz Holy Spirit and if they