Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

'firÜe ano famip 433 ¡heY love God, and obey him fincerely to the death , they (hall be glorified with him in Heaven for ever c And theunbelievers, impenitent and ungodly fhall`go toeverlafting punifhmentm And having commanded his Apoftlesto preach the Gofpel to all the World, and promifed his Spirit, he afcended into Heaven : Where he is the glorified Head over all things to the Church, and our prevailing Interceffor with the Father who will there receive the departed Souls of the juftified and at the end of this world will come again, and ralfe all the dead, and will judge all according to their worhs, and juftly execute his Judgement. Ill. I believe that God the Holy Spirit was given by the Father and the Son, to the Prophets, Apoftles, and Evangelifts, to be their infallible Guide in preaching and recording theDoftrine of Salvation ; and the Wit- nefs of its certain Truth, by his manifold Divine operations; and to quicken, illuminate and fanc}ifie all true Believers, that they may overcome the Flefh the World, and the Devil. And all that are thus fanfti- fied, are one Holy Catholick Church of Chrift, and muff live inholy Communion, and have the pardon of their fins, and (hall have everlafting life. Believing in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ; I do prefently, abfolutely and refolvedly give upmy fell to Him, my Creator and re The confent conciled Godand Father, my Saviour and or covenant. Sanftifier : And repenting of my fins, I re- nounce the Devil, the World, and the finful delires of the Flefh : And denying my felf, and taking up my Crofs, I confent to follow Chrift the Captain of my Salvation, inhope ofhis prornifed Grace and Glory. Ff 4 SHORT