Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

43 8 'MixPop s, ano famíCp learn this better. For God is as.the Sun, Moll certainly knozin .but lean comprehended, andRill molt unknown. He is the Ferft and I afi : You mull l'egin andEnd with Him. You mull know fomething fromHim,that you may know Chrift and Scripture : And thenyou muff know chrift and theScriptures, that youmay know More of God : For all other knowledge is but a means to help you toknowHim, (love and ferve Him,) inwhich you muff ffiill grow to the laft, till you come to the World of true Per .feaion. Queft.2. What believe youof the Creation, and the nature of- e)Wata, and the Law which was given to him? Anfw. GOD created all the World : And made MA N in his own Image, an imbodied Spirit of Life , Underf}anding and Will ; with holy Livelinefs, Wif dom and Love ; to -Know, and Love, and Serve his Maker, here and for ever : and gave him the inferior Creatures for his ufe : But forbad him to eat ofthe Tree ofKnowledge, upon pain ofDeath. i. To create is tomake of nothing, in the firft. notion : And fo God created onlySpirits, and the Elements, 'Fire, Air, Wa- ter and Earth : But all the reft of his Works he madeof thefe, (as the Sun, and Moon, and Stars, &c.) which is Creating in the f coed notion, becaufe they never were before. 4P 2. The whole. World which God made, is to us incompre- henfible : It's like that it is but a fmall part of it which we fee ; Weknownot how much more is unfeen : And no part is per- fe(ily known by Mortals. But we may have Co much knowledge of all, as is needful to the ends ofour own Creation in this iimperfett Elate : And to fpend our dayes in fearching after , more, is but to lofe and neglea things po/'ible and profitable, while we leek things impoflible and unprofitable ; and to trouble our felves and the World with pretenfions and contentions about 'nicer Names. But all the true knowledge of Gods Works ,which wecan reallyattain, is uleful to us, though in great di- verfity ofdegrees. 3. When I call M A N Fan imbodied Spirit] I determine not that thisBodyis not a Fart of him ; but only that the Soul or Spirit is fo Noble a part, as that the is but a habitation and ervant to it, (though a part of the; Man,) being made of the on mon pafliire Elements. 4. The