tbt ooh Mang famiïp Zook. 439 4. The image of Godon Man, is three-fold, or bath three parts : i. Natural; the Image of Gods Being and Nature. 2. Moral; which is the Image of Gods Perfeetion.or Holinefs., 3. Dominion, which is the Image. of Gods Dominion over all. I. In Gods Natural image mans foul bath a notable. Trinity in Unity: i. Inone Soul there are the vegetative, fenfitive and in- telletfive Powers. 2. In one fuperior intelleaual Soul as fuck, there is the Virtueqf fuperior life (or Vital activity) and the Virtue ofunder fhandingand of Free-will. The Will is not the Underftanding, nor the Und.erfïanding the Will, nor the Vital power either underftanding or will : Nor is any one of thefe a partof the foul. But the whole foul is Life, the whole is Un- derftanding, and the whole is Will: yet not wholly ; that is , no one of thefe words exprefs all that is effential to the foul. II. TheMoral Image ofGod on the foul, is nothing but the reäitude or healthof thefe three faculties, which is their holi- nefs; that is, i. The holy livelinefs of the vital faculty, (when it is lively towards God.) 2. The holy ariltom of the under(land- ing (toknowGod.) 3. The Love ofGod and Goodnefs, (which is the holinefs ofthe will.) III. Our dominion over other Creatures, is the Image of Gods Dominion; By which we are, s. Their Owners (under God ; ) And they are our Own. 2. Their Governors, under God, 414. órding to their capacities ; And they are Ordered by us. heir Benefactors under God, (we provide for them, feed m, manure the Ground;) And their End, under God; They are given usfor our ufe. 5. The Endof Mans nature, evident in the faculties aptitude thereto,is, (as i. In general, G O Dwho is the End of all things : fo 2. Specially) H O L I N E SS, or living to 6od ; that is, s. To knowGod pratlically. 2. To love him. 3. To ferve him. God maketh nothing in vain ; much lets the nobler Natures: When he made mans nature capable and apt to know, love and ferve hire, it plainly telleth us, that he made him for that aft. Thole therefore who deny this to be Natural toAdam, deny Hu inanity, and make man a bruit bynature, and fuppofe a fiiper- natural Grace to comeafter, and make Adam, as ofanother Spe- cies; as if Grace only made him a man. And they that deny roan to have furh pet!! know not what a Man is. 6. Man's foul being made apt for perpetual duration, is truly frid to be1r2.mortal : 1,ur God having made it a fcople Spirit, it is F f 4 net